Rise And Shine - Kingdom of learning.

Our core values

Class rooms Class rooms
Air Condetioned, vibrant and funfilled classroom with CCTV camera.
Teachers Teachers
Dedicate , qualified and experianced teachers

Outdoor Outdoor
Eco-friendly fantastic outdoor provides stimulatin learning experiance.
Attention Attention
One to one attention to nurture the natural ability

Curriculum Curriculum
Scientifically designed curriiculum with English lanuage proficiency
Play Area Play Area
Healthy and hygenic shaded play area

Food Food
Fresh and healthy snacks cooked on the premises

Our Programs

With a balance of self-directed play and thoughtful teacher
A small class size and exceptional teachers
Our school follows the guidelines of the local school district in order to

Academic Sessions

1st Term
  • June
  • July
  • August
2nd Term
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
3rd Term
  • January
  • February
  • March

April 19, 2019

Admission Opening

Our Moto

A cordial relationship with dedicated teachers and enthusiastic parents with high expectations about their child's first school experiance. We provide an experiance that nurtures physical, intellectual and core values such as kindness, friendship and compassion

Our time table
Our Timetable
The full-day kindergarten is normally between five and six hours.
Our fecilities
Our Facilities
Air Condetioned, vibrant and funfilled classroom with CCTV camera.
Our Gallery
We collect all the grace full events and moments as videos and photos in our gallery

Our Curriculum

Our programs offer children a warm and nurturing biosphere. Learning through social n coginitive skills to nurture their self confidence. Hands on exploration is always encouraged. Emphasis is placed on respect, caring for others and learning to become a responsible member of the community. Fantastic cooking and vibrant gardening classes are included


The full-day kindergarten is normally between five and six hours in length, while half-day kindergarten typically comprises approximately three hours.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, toddlers need 11 to 14 hours of sleep per 24 hours, so the average two- to three-year old will need to get some of that via naps.

For the most part, educators define preschool as the two years before a child begins kindergarten. Some preschools set a minimum age for when they'll accept kids—usually, they have to be 3 by the December of the academic year, although some will go as young as 2.